First of all, I was recovering from the cold, so I didn't feel so great. I decided to watch Blue. I had gotten from amazon like two weeks before and hadn't had an opportunity to watch it, so I decided this was the time to watch it. Well mercy, it will take a toll on you.

After I watched it, I went to take True Grit back to the red box up the street. As soon as I got into my car, Bon Iver's new album started playing (it was in the cd player) and it made me feel so sad.
It was one of those moments when your senses are so in tune with each other that it is almost more than you can take. I almost backed into a car as I left the gas station where the red box was, that's how distracted and weird I was feeling. As I pulled back into my driveway, tears were welling up in my eyes. I sat in my car for a while to chill out.
Back in my room, I knew I should be packing up more books, but I wandered around listlessly picking things up and setting them back down. Then I heard a wee little knock at my door.
"Beeka, can I come in?"
It was my niece. I said sure and she came in and snuggled up in my bed with me and we just lay there with our faces pressed together, talking; she was firing the questions this time. She was asking me questions about karma and grace (pretty darn advanced for a 10 year old, wouldn't you say). She was asking me if I remembered when she was little and she would ask me who I wanted to marry. She was asking me how to say 'good night' in Portuguese. She was asking me if I thought I would move far away. She was asking me if I could take her shopping for school clothes. She was asking me if I liked my job. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her so tightly until she was like, "Um, I can't breathe . . ." I finally let go of her and said, "I love you so much." I almost started to cry. She, of course, said, "I love you too so much, Beeka," which was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. I am so thankful for her, the dear little messenger of grace that she is. She, of course, probably thinks I'm crazy after all that, but it's nothing she isn't used to.
Maybe that's the beginning of my quarter life crisis. Only 11 days til lift off.
Going to eat with lots of friends in Gallatin at a place on the square called "The Pizza Machine." Community. Mmm.
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