Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Stage of Blinding Lights

Funny how U2 can influence the title of a post, right?

I was thinking about the allure of the stage. Tommorrow night, my high school play 'debuts'(if you will) it's first ever production,"Just Desserts and Make Believe." I am out of the class, but the teacher wanted me to be in it, so I conceded. She asked me the very same day I asked her for help. I needed help with audition pieces, you know short scripts and one minute songs. That weekend I was going to audition for the part of Belle in The Beauty and the Beast at a theatre in Franklin. However, I became ill so I could not sing, I couldn't even talk! So I agreed to take part in the school play. But why? Why is it that acting like somene you aren't is so appealing? I asked some friends this same question and most said the costumes. That doesn't apply to me though because( you can ask Foolish Knight, Princess of Mirkwood, Penny Lane Blair, etc) I always dress that way. For example, my principal asked me today if what I had on was my costume. I laughed and then he realized it wasn't and said, "I should have known!"
Maybe I will never know my reason for wanting to be in a play or musical, but if you know why, do tell! If you to have felt the call of the stage, and know what it is that beckons so, speak up and be heard. I do know, that after hours of rehearsals, it isn't the blinding lights!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Humor, 1909 style...

Since you demand, you must suffer with a hurried choice of information, however, thank you to the understanding of my predicament.
A stranger in Boston was interested to discover, when dining with friends once, that the dessert he would have classed as cream layer cake at home was known as "Washington Pie" in Boston. And the next time he lunched at a restaurant, he ordered the same thing; but the waiter put before him a rather heavy looking square of cake covered with chocolate, instead of the cream cake the guest had made up his mind to enjoy. A puzzled expression came over his face as he said reprovingly," I ordered Washington pie, waiter."
"That is Washington pie , sir."
"Well," expostulated the disappointed man,"I did not mean Booker T.--I want George!"

Yes, I know, weird. It is from,'Among the Humorists and After Dinner Speakers: A New Collection of Humorous Stories 'and Anecdotes By William Patten, 1909

Monday, January 03, 2005

This is a fine morning for wondering...

Have you ever wanted to tell someone something, and when the chance comes, you find there are no words? That the most eloquent of vocabularies could not rescue you from the confusion of thought? Then thinking upon it later, you wonder if the chance was the last to say that something? What if, had it been said, it had changed your whole life?
Recently, I have found myself in this situation, and it is most irritating! I wonder if I can ever even bring myself to that point again? my friend says," Now is all the time you've got", so what if that was my last chance?!? (sigh) And to make things worse, Joel posts the very true lyrics from Coldplay on his blog!( Don't worry Joel, I'm glad you made me think, I think.) (sigh)
Well ok, now that I am quite sure you are all begging me to stop before your brain explodes, I will. Maybe I should quit saying 'what if' and just go for it, I will never know till I try, right? Ha! Easier said than done!After all that I come to this conclusion: What happens will happen, regardless of how foolish I am, God is in control & His Will will prevail. I can rest in that until my mind starts wondering again....
Aren't you glad that you are not in my head all the time!?! I don't think Bono would want to take a trip inside this head, much less spend the day here!