Thursday, January 13, 2005

Humor, 1909 style...

Since you demand, you must suffer with a hurried choice of information, however, thank you to the understanding of my predicament.
A stranger in Boston was interested to discover, when dining with friends once, that the dessert he would have classed as cream layer cake at home was known as "Washington Pie" in Boston. And the next time he lunched at a restaurant, he ordered the same thing; but the waiter put before him a rather heavy looking square of cake covered with chocolate, instead of the cream cake the guest had made up his mind to enjoy. A puzzled expression came over his face as he said reprovingly," I ordered Washington pie, waiter."
"That is Washington pie , sir."
"Well," expostulated the disappointed man,"I did not mean Booker T.--I want George!"

Yes, I know, weird. It is from,'Among the Humorists and After Dinner Speakers: A New Collection of Humorous Stories 'and Anecdotes By William Patten, 1909


Unknown said...

I've heard it. But, it's still funny. I think the guy who ordered the white is racist. Just because he didn't want a black one. But that's just me. Queen, you know how I am.

Unknown said...

Oh, I am so not racist against brown people. In fact, this is the first time I've ever mentioned brown people. If I was black, I would not want to be called brown, I would want to be called black. Maybe not you.

Sky said...

White, Black, Brown, Well, what about the red people, huh? They deserve respet too!

Unknown said...

OK.....? Thanks for the info.....?