Monday, January 03, 2005

This is a fine morning for wondering...

Have you ever wanted to tell someone something, and when the chance comes, you find there are no words? That the most eloquent of vocabularies could not rescue you from the confusion of thought? Then thinking upon it later, you wonder if the chance was the last to say that something? What if, had it been said, it had changed your whole life?
Recently, I have found myself in this situation, and it is most irritating! I wonder if I can ever even bring myself to that point again? my friend says," Now is all the time you've got", so what if that was my last chance?!? (sigh) And to make things worse, Joel posts the very true lyrics from Coldplay on his blog!( Don't worry Joel, I'm glad you made me think, I think.) (sigh)
Well ok, now that I am quite sure you are all begging me to stop before your brain explodes, I will. Maybe I should quit saying 'what if' and just go for it, I will never know till I try, right? Ha! Easier said than done!After all that I come to this conclusion: What happens will happen, regardless of how foolish I am, God is in control & His Will will prevail. I can rest in that until my mind starts wondering again....
Aren't you glad that you are not in my head all the time!?! I don't think Bono would want to take a trip inside this head, much less spend the day here!


Unknown said...

Yes, Queen, I have, but I do end up telling the someone something. You must have patience ( I really want to say "young grasshopper" ), the time will come, wait for it. God will provide the time even if it is years to come, or in five minutes."Commit thy way unto the Lord; Trust also in Him;and He shall bring it to pass"(Psalm 37:5).
It is very hard not to tell the someone something, you're either afraid of the reaction of the person, or you're to embarrassed. You wish it could on forever, the medling and the thought, but it won't. Just tell the someone something and get it done! But, I know, I agree, it is easier said than done.

Eucharisto said...

That's exactly how I feel when whitnessing to someone. I say all of the right words, and then when they say something relativistically deep and intelligent, I kind of do the porky pig ba-de-ba-de-ba-de! The words just get stuck somewhere in the back of my brain, and I'm left desparately wanting to express the love of Christ to this person, and all I can do is stand there and stare blankly and nod. But Christ will work through each of his children as necessary, and give them the right words at the right time, if we are listening.
Another factor is introvert/extrovert. Introverts think of the right thing to say hours later, and extroverts say whatever comes to mind, right then and there. So it's just the way God works through his people in different ways.

Sky said...

Yes, I do know how you feel. I go through that a lot. You want to tell the someone something, but it is just like you can't find the words or time to say it. For me right now, I am looking back on something that happed not to long ago. I really want to say something, but I just can not find the time, nor words to say. I wish you luck on saying what you want to say.

Eriol said...

Today is happy bloging day (maybe not considering my MI post) so this why I am here. But yes, I always wish I had the proper words for those times, even when I have thinking about what to say for a year and a half, I suppose that's why we should be thankful for "Auld Lang Syne". Visit the MI blog.

Unknown said...

Yeah Queen, put up a new post!

Andrew Price said...

Here too?

OK, I won't be as harsh here as I was on Nathan's blog. But I do have a word to the wise for Penny and Lukolas: "We must the change we wish to see in the world"

That's all, thanks.

Meiska said...

sorry! I've been busy with cleaning for some orphan children to come stay at our house!Tee Hee

Andrew Price said...

I don't know weather Bono would want to know your thoughts or not but I (and apparently the rest of your readers) consider it an honor, even if they (your thoughts) are a bit vague at times, requiring (or at least tempting) much guesswork!