Friday, July 15, 2011

The end

So, I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan. I haven't read the books, and I hadn't seen any of the movies until last Christmas when my brother and I consumed all of them in a week in preparation for the final two installments. And I really liked the last few movies the best, especially the last two (Deathly Hallows 1&2).

The ending was so good because Death gets a dose of its own medicine. And on the credits, there was a man listed named Daniel Booty. Ha. (Josh is a 'stay-till-the-end-of-the-credits-to-see-who-can-find-the-weirdest-name' kind of guy, and I think I won this round thanks to Mr. Booty)

AND the end of the ending happened at 3:30 am, with this lady having to get up for work at 6:30. But it was worth it, to see the end of something that has been such an important part of my friend's lives with my friends (I went with Tanya, Josh, Keith, and a few younger guys from their church). And now I feel CRAZY. It is a feeling that I haven't experienced since I wrote my last paper in college: the sleepless fruit-loopiness. In school, I was the master of procrastination. THE MASTER. I waited until the night before to write every single paper I wrote. EVERY ONE. Now, that's a lot of papers, considering I was an English major and an Art major (art history papers=death). And I guess I work REALLY well under pressure, because I always managed to make an A (with the exception of the Wallace Stevens and the Imagination paper disaster, but that's another story). Or maybe the A's were just a miracle. Anyways, I would stay up all night, strung out on caffine, thinking, researching, highlighting, laying out papers, and finally writing. At around 3 am, I would get so tired that I would set my alarm for two hours, then get back up and finish writing. Once I turned it in, I would feel so glad to have the burden of the paper off my shoulders and feel insanely free and happy all day and be completely worthless as far as functioning normally or accomplishing anything went. Fun times.

Flash forward two years: I am drawing molecules at work for a science textbook, and it just seems so hilarious that I need to tell a friend about it. She doesn't get it. She thinks I'm crazy, but I'm actually just sleep-deprived. It's a good thing this movie was on a Thursday night, so I just have to make it through Friday, which is usually a good day anyway. Whoo! HOOO! I will sleep great tonight. And then keep packing for the big move into the city.


I think this blog is becoming more a journal-type creature, which I'm ok with.
Journal and music video catch-all.

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