Monday, July 11, 2011

Guess what? It's ok for me to be angry about things. In fact, it's more than ok; it's absolutely and completely RIGHT. So there.

I don't want the shallow feelings that can't allow for anger. I don't want the naivety that says, "Anger is wrong. It makes you unhappy." By stifling anger with thoughts of "It's all going to work out fine," I single-handedly rob my heart of its ability to feel anything at all. I want to FEEL. I want to want rightness. I want to hate injustice, in all its forms.

(Try to ignore the goofy title on this video)

This scene is one of the reasons I love this movie. It has its issues, but all in all, I think Enchanted is great. I grew up on fairy tales. My personality is hopeful almost to a fault. But waking up is nice. I'm sick of super sweet, idiotic princesses who have never experienced anything worth being angry about in their lives. I'm sick of princes who want to keep them that way.

I want to be REAL. I want to be WELL (yes, Sufjan, well). I want to be a whole person. Of course, it's pretty safe for me to be angry because I hate confrontation, so in the end, I really think I'll be ok. Or whatever.

Know what I love more than the ability to be angry? The ability to love, forgive, the ability to rebel against death and delight in reconciliation. None of those things can happen without a bit of anger in there. I'm convinced.

Somewhat related:
I told my brother yesterday that in order for U2 to have another truly great album, they need to get angry about something and try to come to terms with it. Don't get me wrong, I love their last few albums and their blatant hopefulness, but I miss the realness, the balance of anger and hope of The Unforgettable Fire, The Joshua Tree, Rattle and Hum, Achtung Baby.

Ramble, ramble, ramble.

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