Sunday, January 01, 2006

All is Quiet on New Year's Day

Unless you live on my street. Fireworks were going off till 2 am!

I wish I had fireworks.

PS (Eriol should have beat me to it.)


Eriol said...


I stayed up till about 2 am watching "No Direction Home" a Bob Dylan documentry. Fireworks are almost illegal in OR.

Andrew Price said...

Joshua the Poet,

Weird! There was similar stinky-ness surrounding my celebrations as well (lack of banging pots, etc.), but I was with friends so it was okay. Do you know who I am? If not then then it won't be very helpful for me to say that Why is my little brother. Does that help? I don't know if you really met him.

Meiska said...

Eriol: Maybe Bob should be illegal too.

And your slacking on titling a post on the first day of the year after a U2 song shall not go unforgiven, so all is well.

Josh: Well, you know what? Our New Year's tradition has just been destroyed now hasn't it?