Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Uhh.. forget that stuff about the play...

Due to the simple fact that even though I live in a sinful world, and I cannot compromise my beliefs, standards, and/or convictions, I will no longer be taking part in the play.

However, thanks to those of you who so readily congratulated and encouraged me way back (yesterday) when I thought I was going to have a splendid time! I Love you all so much and miss all of you too ( yes even you Turtle)!

Anyway, please be praying for me as I talk to Doc tonight about why I'm quiting, that I'll be a witness in some small way to even him.


Queen Mum said...

Well, let's see; you're out on your own (kind of) and life happens. I know you are hurting, but you are stronger than you think. I am so completely proud of you. It's times like this that I know I trained you properly and I know you are His. God is SO faithful. You have been making incredible decisions proving what you are. Love you.

Well, I did kinda' wonder about the shenanigans at midnight(Lukolas and I are proud of you for those. That's our girl!).

Why said...

Good show Queen! First to be talented enough to get the part. Then to have the courage to reject it on moral grounds. I just take this time to say that you rock.