Thursday, December 30, 2004

All I'm saying is give Peace a chance, that's all.


tess said...

Amen sister! But true peace can only be found through faith in Christ as you know. I wanted to post anonymously as to surprise you of my entrance to the world of blogging. I will be setting up my blog in the hopfully near(but most likely not so near) future. Christ might come back by that time then there would be peace on Earth! P.S. Thank you and your family for the wonderful time Lance and I had at your royal estate. We should definately do it again. Next time we meet at my palace.Ha!

Sky said...

Ahhhh, Yes. I must agree! We should all just give peace a chance and maybe the world will live as one, one day. I also agree with "tessie." You can not have peace with out Christ:) Till we meet again! Love, The Princess

Andrew Price said...

I wonder what peace is.

Is it lack of conflict? Or a kind assurance within conflict? But perhaps, Queen, your not talking about that kind of peace...

Eucharisto said...

well, true peace is much more than that. In John Jesus gives His peace to the disciples, and tells them that the peace he gives is not of this world, but the kind that can't be destroyed, even in the darkest times. An everlasting peace, that can only come from giving ourselves over to God, and letting Him take care of everything. It's an ultimate calm.

Eucharisto said...

That's the kind of peace that stills warring nations, and brings even the deepest enemies to come to peace with each other. Man-made peace is just a false hope, in the end. True peace can only come from God.

Meiska said...

Joel, that is extremely true! If John Lennon would have known that, he could have given that peace a chance.I am thankful that we know of this gift and have accepted it!

Meiska said...

What kind of peace do yooouu think I am speaking of, Foolish Knight? (I typed that like your youngest brother says it!)

Andrew Price said...

You'll have disregard my last comment and forgive me, Queen, for being so catty. I was not quite myself when I commented. I was kinda, um, tired. But I have since then had two hours of sleep that feel like a good six hours and am feeling much more like myself. So once again please forgive and forget. Also many thanks to Joel for redeeming the comment, you handled it very graciously.