Monday, April 02, 2012

A Weekend

After one of the strangest days of my entire life, a bit of normalcy has entered back into life at our house.

Our mom took us out to lunch.
I love my brother(s).
Did some picture-hanging.
I found my glasses (in the door of my car).
Got rid of the moving boxes.
Fell in love with golden-ness(again).
My parents gave me 4,000,000 bulbs!
And my view (again).
First clover-crown of 2012.
A sunshiney Monday morning.

I was surrounded with dandelion-yellow-sincere friends, all taking care of me, a sort of 'being-there-for-you' like the rain is there for the parched Earth, wanting to grow into something beautiful, but set back by something terrifying and depleting. So thanks for being the rain to Tanya, Gabe, Luke, Chelsey, Josh, Karie, Bethany, Rachael, Brittany, and Mom and Dad. Thanks for restoring beauty to my life.
Falling is the strangest sensation, but not one I'm interested in being rid of until it causes me to fly.

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