Tuesday, April 03, 2012


I dug out a huge flower bed when I got home from work last night, then my dad showed up at my house and helped me for a while. He was hanging around Nashville waiting for my sister to meet up with him to give him some of my nephew's papers for school. He dug out a lower flower bed where the spiders are.
When my sister got there, she had this baby, Aspen, with her. She just started babysitting her. I was so happy to see a little baby, there haven't been many around here lately.
After my various family members left, I planted the ranunculus bulbs, and made dinner (falafel and hummus). When Gabe and Tanya never came home, I decided to watch a movie that I bought on amazon on a whim, and had never seen called When Did You Last See Your Father? It wasn't the best I'd seen Colin Firth or Jim Broadbent or Juliet Stevenson or Carey Mulligan or Gina McKee, but it wasn't the worst movie ever either. It was good. After that, Tanya came home and we talked for a bit and then it was off to bed for me. I know, verrrry exciting. But it was just what I needed, a bit of calm, a bit of rest.

Thistle are getting ready to bloom. They never bloom until June, that's how hot it is.

Snow Patrol tonight with dear friends!

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