Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter Weekend Part III: 4.7-8.2012

Saturday came along and I ate lunch with my parents at Cheddar's, like I do most Saturdays, where Brandon was our server (even though we had only gotten back home in the wee hours of the morning the night before), like he is most Saturdays. Then I went flower shopping and bought . . . them all.

I spent the remainder of the day digging up flower beds, moving stones, and planting the billions of flowers I had. Needless to say, I'm ok with the muscles I earned that day, even if they are still hurting. A lot.

The next morning brought Easter streaming into my windows. Tanya made us a delicious breakfast, because she is amazing like that. Then Gabe and I headed for Gallatin to have Easter with our family.
My niece and I
My lovely, lovely, grandmother

We finished off the evening with a couple of our close friends watching Madmen, and dancing in the moonlight.
(Photo by Heather).

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