Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How to Dismantle an Atomic Room

Well, the semester is winding down. Finals are next week, which I'm basically ok with. I have to be moved out next week, which I'm NOT ok with! There is almost nothing on my walls, stuff is everywhere, and I keep on almost knocking my easel over! Tis madness! My friend Jordan (whose girlfriend lives across the way from me) said I could just pretend like I am in prison. That's not too comforting.

Good News (but not gospel material): We're going to Baskin Robbins for FCA tonight! AND I have started a new painting in the midst of this chaos. I think that's a good thing!?


Queen Mum said...

Yesssssssss! The Queen cometh home. There is rejoicing in the land.

As of next week your first year of college will be complete. Congratulations. You're the BOMB.

Unknown said...

Is that the painting of the possessed little girl behind the tree?

Meiska said...

I can't wait mom! Except for all the re-organization this is going to take.

B, I'll be praying in your direction too! Miss 'GRADUATE'!

How dare you, Luke!? May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits. She isn't possessed. Sheesh.

Anna E. P. said...

Wow, that was harsh. But I did still laugh. It must be wonderful being all done with school, I still have 13 school days left.