Tuesday, April 18, 2006

ho hum

Ello! Today is an absolutely lovely day, and I hope you're all enjoying it. I bring forth a humble offering of a new CIVA article. Read and be enlightened.


Queen Mum said...

I agree with moonlight, this is a wonderful aritcle. I am learning much more about God in the arts. It is so cool that God has called you into such a wonderful vocation. When you were quite a bit younger, I used to wonder how art could be used to glorify Him. Praise God, my eyes have been opened. Rember GITA!

Unknown said...

Leave it up to you to recommend something about God and Art, "Get in touch with your spiritual life through Art" should be your motto, or is slogan? We have this conversation a lot I think, you know, the ones about art, then you tell me to read something, then I tell you 'no', then you tell me to read something else, then I finally read it, and then I don't understand half of the words, and then I tell you 'that was the biggest waste of time that anyone could waste', and then you scold me and beat me til I'm a smurf that's been shoved in a blender, and then you say 'what son', and then I leave after being totally flippin' straight-up owned.