Monday, May 21, 2012

5.16-20.2012; a long 'weekend' (more like workend)

The sun set the horizon on fire on Wednesday night.

The next day I left work early for a Dr.'s appointment. I got out of the Dr in time to catch the earlyish showing of Deep Blue Sea at the Belcourt.
I was the only one there.
Lovely drive home from there.

Had a good night of sitting with friends in the city afterwards.

The next day I was sore from all the tests at the Dr. (you can only get so much blood drawn before you feel horrible), but luckily I was planning on spending most of the day in a car with Gabe to pick up Christopher.

Up through Kentucky, into Indiana, one last time.

(photo by Gabe)


Bloomington is a place we will not miss.

Louisville is beautiful.

Suspicious skies.

I bought all the plants that home depot had on Sunday morning and then planted them all before 4:00 that afternoon. I was sunburned.
1 large lavender plant, 4 'autumn joys', 1 large rosemary plant, 1 'wise wizard' lily, 12 petunias, 2 large geraniums, 1 sweet basil plant, 1 heirloom black cherry tomato plant, 1 heirloom 'Mr. Stripey' tomato plant, 2 huge begonia plants, and 12 celosias.
Serious calories were burned.

And of course we went to Gallatin when we got back into the Holy Land.

Gabe was excited to drive over this creek. Twice.

Finished off the weekend-filled-with-work with Madmen.

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