That would be myself and Kevin Max, that's right KEVIN MAX!!! Lukolas and I waited at Bongo Java for a couple of hours before the show and we were just waiting for him to show up. (Don't get their Hot Chocolate) I kept on saying, "Oh! Is that him?!" To which the sibling replied, "You'll know him when you see him." Of course, he was right, cause when he came around the corner we knew it was him. He walked like two feet in front of our table and gave me a big smile. If you thought I was excited before I got there, you should have seen me after that!
Wow, the concert was absolutely incredible! Unlike some artists, his voice is perfect live. He sang these songs from his new album, The Imposter: 'Confessional Booth', 'The Imposter', 'Sanctuary', 'Your Beautiful Mind', 'The Royal Path of Life', Stay, 'I Need You, The End' and 'Seek' from Between the Fence and the Universe. I thought my heart would surely break while he was singing "I Need You ,The End". I know I was on the verge of tears! Lukolas and I were hoping he would have sang "Dead in Moon", but I guess it would have sounded strange acoustic/ live. I've never heard 'Prayer Chain', but a guy named Andy something from that group played the guitar for him. He also read some of his poetry and showed us a picture he drew of Freddie Mercury with a cape and fangs. That part was random, but hilarious! He is so funny and very personable, even my dad seemed pretty impressed, maybe. Afterwards, we got in line to talk to him. I started thinking, "What on earth am I going to say to him?" I decided to stop thinking and figured that I'd say whatever happened to pop out of my mouth. So here was my smooth opening line, ready?: 'Hello'. Wow, I know, that's so deep. Anyway, he said, you know," Hi! What's your name?" So I told him and we went round and round about how weird my name is. Then he told me that I had an excellent dress and we talked some about my little costume 'problem'. Not that I was wearing a costume, but hey, people have told me that they wanted to be me for halloween! So then he signed my 'Sterotype Be' cover and he saw my backpack and was like, "Your backpack is incredible!" So he signed that too! After we got a picture, we left and I was so happy! I met Kevin Max! One day, I'll gather my Grand-children aroung me and they'll say, " Tell us about the time you met Kevin Max!" Then I'll tell them with glossy eyes, " It was incredible!" I'm so glad I got this opportunity, it was great. Lukolas and I may never recover!
Oh, and did I mention that Kevin Max is incredible?
That's flippin SWEET Queen.
I have quite a few reactions after reading this, but since only one is printable I'll just say that I'm happy for you, Queen. Glad you had fun.
Flippin sweet it is!
I did have fun, but it would have been more fun if you could have come!
i must say I also like "I Need You: The End". the last part of the song reminds me of Lennon's "Dream #Something or Other". I wish I was there, doubly so since I have heard of the Prayer Chain, and Andy Prickett (iknoweverything!). He's a flippin' bitterSWEET guitar man. Are you going to get a miniture of your picture with Kmax for your dollhouse?
I like the line about your Dad "He was also impressed, maybe." Well congratulations for the whole thing!
I thought it was you who liked Prayer Chain! Yeah, I will probably put a picture of it in my dollhouse, maybe my new one, hmmm.
It was nice!
wwwwwwoooooowwwwww. That was "the most."
That is to awesome! You are one lucky queen!! Love ya!
Cool! As a matter of fact, awesome!
Awesome is indeed correct!
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