Thursday, October 06, 2005

Hang on, I'm thinking....

Been VERY busy of late, so my posts have been pictures or something that doesn't require much thought. As soon as I get some free time, I'll post something that is remotely thoughtful, I hope! I hope everyone is having a groovy day, I am, mostly because I am sitting on the front porch of the Art House, as I call it, or the Lawlor Art Studio, as everyone else calls it. Wow, Dr.Rivers would have a cow if he saw that sentence, oh well! Anyway, see you all later!
Oh yes, I have an audition today at 4:00 for the part of Josephine in the H.M.S. Pinafore. Please pray!!


Queen Mum said...

I've sent out the word, and we're praying, let us know how it goes. Love and miss you.

Meiska said...

It is now the 11th, and I still haven't heard about the play, just keep praying!

Meiska said...

Still haven't heard, 17th of Oct.