Monday, September 04, 2006


This morning I got up and my Mom and I made breakfast for my brothers and their halo friends (Def:Halo Friend: A boy that comes over and only leaves the room where the Halo/XBOX is to eat.) Anyways, they all seem to be having fun, and I'm not doing anything!!! It's nice to just sit down and sit there, listening to music or daydreaming. Ahh, just thought I'd share my small bit of bliss with you guys, for it is indeed blissful. Shouldn't it be called NO-Labor Day, or Anti-Labor Day? i'm a bit confused on that point.

This past week was my first week of school, I felt pretty alone. All my friends have moved into a different apartment and it's so quite in my hall. Plus I miss everyone I was with 24/7 all summer! Of course, I can paint and study more effeciently now, I guess.
The theatre dept. is doing A Midsummer Night's Dream for the Fall play! Now that is exciting! Oh, and I might be leading a girls Bible study at school, so you guys please PLEASE don't forget to pray for me! I need it!

Listen to me, how silly! What I should really be excited about is that I have witnessed 19 Tennesse Autumns and the 20th is close at hand! Woot! Autumn is definitely my favorite season, it is so perfectly orange and golden! Yeah! It makes the trees turn into giant flowers, with their petals floating about everywhere, it's glorious just to think of it! My campus is so beautiful in the fall. Yesterday there was such a cool breath about the earth that I thought autumn had found us early, which would have just fine with me! I promptly ran to my father and asked him if we could put the Christmas tree up. His reply was, "Oh, you're right. It is September now! " Then he laughed and went on about whatever it was he was doing. I felt quite scorned and neglected until he redeemed himself by finding me a nest of baby mice! They where so lovely and little and pink and naked, I thought they might catch cold in the pre-Autumn wind. It was all I could do to keep myself from touching their new little fuzzy selves! So in reality, I had a day that was very much an Autumn day, it was just a bit premature. I'm anticipating a marvelous Fall this year, but we'll see! You should all come.

1 comment:

Eucharisto said...

Ah! Life goes on. Good to see new posts! How's life?

BTW, please, tell your mother for me that I've been trying to send emails all summer long, and have been having the darndest time getting through. Tell her to look for a new email address from me.
