Tuesday, September 19, 2006

On drinking that fantastic beverage known as tea!

"There is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea."- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well said!


Queen Mum said...

That's just wonderful dear. I think my tea drinking days are over says the ol' kidneys. You just all the fun with tea you want. Go for it.

Queen Mum said...

have, you just HAVE all the fun with tea you want.

Andrew Price said...


So true. There's a lot of high adventure in the life of a tea drinker. I've had some adventurous times drinking tea, anyway.

Especially Passion and Wild Raspberry, things just don't get much more adventuresome than drinking hot beverages with names like these. How could they?

Meiska said...

You mean to tell me that you're not drinking ANYMORE TEA? Mom, are you crazy?!

Yep, the life of a Passion drinker is definitely exciting. Did I ever thank you for introducing me to that tea? Probably not. Thank you!

Queen Mum said...

I tried, I just can't stop. My love for the mango flavored variety is just too wonderful to let go. Ahh, the joy of weakness (in this case a good thing).