My wonderful mum bought me dirt, pots, and seeds and I got some of the blubs from my garden, and voila! I have a garden in my window! I love to grow things, I guess I got that from me mum. SOon I'll have tulips, irises, poppies and random wildflowers stretching thier heads towards the sun! I'm so glad that God made it possible to grow things inside, I think it's just what I needed!
Also, my easel has now taken up residence in my room too! This excites me beyond all reason! Everyone be sure to pray that the Lord will help me to get all of my pieces done by Friday, as in six days away! I guess I should be painting right now, bye!
"Poppies! Poppies will put them to sleep...".
Flowers are beautifil things aren't they? Have fun planting your garden.
Glad to hear of your developing developments!
Your mum got you seeds so you can grow some blubs? You'll have to show me some of these BLUBS. You crack me up!
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