Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Return of the Queen

To for those of you who still visit this blog after my long absence, I convey my thanks. You may all be interested to know that I am indeed still among the semi-living! I just got off my way to short spring break and have since employed myself drawing away, and I know that you would rather me draw than post, right? My painting didn't get finished by the date for the show but that's ok, I sent 3 other pieces over anyway. This painting is going to be special so I can't rush it! I'll let you all see it when it gets finished.

I was reading in Psalms at dinner today and I heartily implore you to read Psalms 6 & 86. They were encouraging to me today, so I thought I'd share them with you.

Well, have a nice day!


Eriol said...

But if you're home, home on the range and you've never heard a discouraging word, and you're itching for some discouragement then go read Psalm 88. "My only friend is darkness"

This little bit of left coast weirdness comes cause our perfomance as the "William Hung Tribute Band" got cut short.

tess said...

You have a nice day also, I'm sorry you didn't get to come up. You didn't miss too much. Though, you would have loved the speaker, very interseting.

Unknown said...

17 days is a "long absence?"