Monday, November 29, 2004

A Cloudy Day

Today is soooo gloomy! However, when I really start to think about it, it is a glorious feeling you get from a cloudy day! The anticipation that comes from not knowing what tommorrow will be like, for behind the clouds lies the sun.It makes you feel thoughtful, thinking, "What can do to make good use of a cloudy day?" I asked myself this very question this morning as I lay in my royal bed. To sleep, or not to sleep, that is the question. After decieding to proceed with my cloudy day early, I finished many tasks: Had devotions, cleaned my room, the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, did the laundry,finished some sewing, schoolwork, made the props for Mrs. Holloran's First Grade class play, and now I type before you, a productive member of society! To think, this morning I wanted to stay in bed and accomplish nothing, but I got up, with God's help, and have had a nice cloudy day. I just shut all the curtains.

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