Monday, November 01, 2010

And thus commences my favorite couple of months . . .

. . . November and December (October is a close 3rd and January is 4th and April 5th). Everything about these months makes me so happy. What's not to love about (paid) time off work with family and friends? It's like all year we've been crafting a lovely bottle of happiness; adding in little memories here and there and saving ideas and stories for the times when we are all together. It has been ripening all year long and now's the time when we open it up, share it with everyone around us, and become quite drunk with it. And that's a very good thing.

This is also when we'll see the South at its finest: food and singing everywhere. There will be late morning breakfasts and even later midnight coffee runs in the dancing snow. Our 2nd annual Christmas Ball/Advent Adventure is coming up, which is the ultimate in the "food and singing (and dancing) in the South" department, in my opinion. We'll be meeting up to work out the invitations, menu, etc., for said Ball in the next couple of weeks which thrills me. This year will be extra sweet because I have embraced the land I live in and it has forgiven me seeing only the bad in it for so many years. It has not only forgiven me, but it has loved me back. It is strange, and it is deep-fried, but it has a wild magic about it that shines through at just the right moments, like last night.

Last night a group of rather silly, and rather wonderful, girls got together in the middle of nowhere (Hartsville) to celebrate Halloween and Reformation Day all at once (being Presbyterian makes at least noting Reformation Day a must). We had delicious German food and wore our Halloween costumes (I was Elizabeth I). I love these ladies. And the stars out there were perfect. I've never seen so many at once and I thought my brain might explode from trying to take it all in. I had to shut my sunroof on my car, Penelope, on the way home so that I'd look at the road, that's how distracted I was!

Anyways, I'll be hauling all four thousand boxes of holiday decorations down from the attic in the next couple weeks. I would do it this weekend, but I am going to Atlanta on Saturday to see the city and to see Sufjan Stevens with my dear friend, Josh-u-wa-wa (he bought tickets for my birthday back in August). What a way to start off my favorite time of year! And next week is my dearest B's 26th birthday which will be amazing! We are going to a corn maze (one of those things I've always wanted to do). Sometimes life is so rich that you have to step back from it to take a breath before you dive back into it.

And, when my favorite time of year is over, I'll be so busy looking forward to my best friend's wedding in April and my brother's wedding in June that I won't even notice the holidays are over because these holidays will be even better.

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