Saturday, March 15, 2008

I listened to Electrical Storm on repeat until I cried. I'm not sure why. Its one of those songs that pin-points an emotion so well that you take on that emotion. Its amazing, I love it.


Andrew Price said...

It does meet at such a deep emotional level. An emotion is expressed very strongly through it; what would you say it is? Desire? Yearning?

Katie said...

Hi there! I realized I haven't been out to your blog in ages... I hope you are doing well?

Also on this post... I love moments like that. Letting the emotion flow over you. I do that with movies. There are some that are so emotionally beautiful to me I just transport there and feel the emotions so fully. Somehow that is so cathartic. Just to feel deeply and let it loose.

Andrew Price said...

Oh, and I love the song too. I don't know how well that comes through on the above comment.

And I love the moment too that both you and Katie are talking about, of letting a song's emotion flow over you.

I'm thinking of songs right now that I kind of do that with, song that, I don't necessarily pinpoint their meaning, but that I get their emotion. Which, there aren't a lot of songs that that happens with with me, probably because I tend to jump to "meaning" right away, emotion taking a backseat until later. Sometimes, now that I think about it, emotion even stems from meaning for me (rather than the other way around, and maybe, in the above sentence, "sometimes" is an understatement).

One writer said of a song writer that I like something to the effect of:

"I don't know what he's saying, but I know how he feels." Which, I think captures some songs really well.

Some songs that this is the case for for me:

Electric Storm (obviously).

Extreme Ways, by Moby, I think. But that's not the one I'm thinking of; which one am I trying to think of?

Trumpet Child? Nope. That's one's loaded with meaning for me, and the emotion (now, at least) stems from that. (It's my Hebrews 12:1-3 song, my Jesus loves me like crazy and longs to be with me song. There's more to that thought, but I'll develop it later.)

"Boy With a Coin", kind of. By Iron and Wine. But that's not the song I'm thinking of either.

Oh well, it'll come. Happy Easter Monday!

Meiska said...

There are like a million songs that do that same type of thing, but I think this one wins. The Ground Beneath Her Feet is like that, and A Tear Isn't Such a Bad Thing (by The Guggenheim Grotto, you can download it on their website) is too.

Catharsis! Yes, that's exactly what it is. Mercy, we were just discussing that concept in Studies in Drama with relation to Aristotle. Hm.

And don't get me wrong, I love a song loaded with meaning. But sometimes, well, a lot of times, a song with an emotion as a meaning speaks volumes to me, it gets straight to the point so to speak.

I love music, and I'm so thankful for the gift of hearing!