Monday, January 03, 2011

On the Shininess of 2011

Usually for New Year's I make a resolution that takes something away from my life. Last year I said I would eat no bread or pasta for a year. I did it. The year before that I gave up sodas. No problem. The extent of the benefits of not eating those things stopped at making my waist thinner. This year I want to do something that would add to the quality my life. I don't want to make another rule for myself. I'd rather free myself up to become more real.

This year I plan on becoming a better artist.

I plan to make at least one sketch a day (which I will post here, but probably not daily) and complete at least one painting every two weeks (which will also be posted here). In addition to these goals, I also plan to finish one children's story and have some sketches ready to go with it each month (probably not going to be posting these). These are the sorts of things that will help me to live the life I want.
Wish me luck, but don't stop there. Encourage me. Ask me how it's going. Hound me when I fail to post drawings.

Here we go.

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