Wednesday, June 09, 2010

What is going on?

Where are all these strange comments with strange characters coming from? It's getting kinda old.

Other news:

My "real" job is going well, InDesign being both the bane of my existence and means of fund-age. Digital illustration and graphic design are sustaining me (at least physically). I'm not quite starving, but I'm still an artist (not sure how that will work out). Painting/selling paintings and doing murals in my "free" time. Sewing up a storm (working out the details of some new story-centered costume-sculptures).

Looking at a house in Nashville, which is more exciting than anything that has happened to me in this last bit of my life. The house is in a great area downtown and was built in 1915. I can't wait to have my OWN place. My parents have always been pretty good about letting us have people over and such, but a place of one's own! That sounds heavenly. Books and food and friends and discussion and art and etc, etc, etc,.
And the kitchen is already painted green.

So many dear friends are getting married/engaged. The excitement is contagious and lavender in color. Lavender.

I bought a real laundry basket-the wicker kind with a canvas lining. I love it.

I have an itch to travel (as usual). Wanderlust. I am currently seeking a remedy to this situation. I'm thinking Scotland (again). Or maybe I'll just start driving and see where I end up.

I took my brothers to see Imogen Heap at the Ryman last Saturday. It was their (very) early birthday present and it was a successful surprise. They didn't know what we were doing till we were at the Ryman and then they didn't know who we were seeing until she came out on stage early to get some of her sound things in line for the show. What an amazing artist she is. And I'm quite sure that she understands my hair since hers is crazy too(which would be a first). She has the ability to speak feeling and to describe moments in abstracted but completely accurate ways.

Still thinking of grad school. Also thinking of seminary. Also thinking of becoming a professional bum. Or a nun. I guess a Presbyterian would make a bad nun, really, so nix that one.


Eriol said...

What about a bum nun? Or a nun bum? I really should move out there if there's no money for grad school this year. I really need to get out of Portland. What about work? I can do layout (wordwise) on InDesign.

On the subject of wanderlust I want to go Ukraine again. Very relaxed visa laws and I already know people and very close to other countries and other people.

My other plan is to convince people is to pay me to publish a book of translations on a poet no one cares for.

Word verification-undrop=zombie rain.

Meiska said...

No nun. I don't think I could do (and by 'do' I mean not do lots of things) that. Ever.

I'll go to the Ukraine with you. We can be Gypsies!

I think you have a couple of very good plans here and I think you should go with: All of the above, all at the same time.