Friday, November 09, 2007

Fun with small children

Tonight my brother and I are keeping our niece, Arianna, 6, and nephew, Ricky, 4. In the car, I asked them what their favorite animals were.
Arianna said, "My favorite animal is baby cubs!"
And then Ricky said, "I eat those."
This, of course, shocked me. I thought that was illegal or something. So I asked, "Ricky, what are baby cubs?"
"They're like sippy cups."

Then later when we pulled into the driveway, our white cat Puffy jumped up on the jeep. Ricky started talking about the time that the cat bit Arianna. Then Arianna started talking about it too. Suddenly Ricky yelled out, "Puff is just a mozzarella stick!"

Now he and I are sitting at the table, I'm trying to get him to eat his final bites. He's wrestling with his napkin I tucked into his shirt. "Its giving me a wedgie! Napkins always give me wedgies."

Mercy. What will he say next?

Oh wait. Here's what he said next: "Remember that time Gabe played that annoying song on the guitar?"

1 comment:

Queen Mum said...

That's great! I'm sorry I missed it.