And in a day we should be rich!" she laughed. "I'd give it all to you, the pirate gold and every bit of treasure we could dig up. I think you would know how to spend it. Pirate gold isn't a thing to be hoarded or utilized. It is something to squander and throw to the four winds, for the fun of seeing the golden specks fly."
"We'd share it, and scatter it together," he said.
I think the above is a delightful bit of writing from Kate Chopin's 'The Awakening', and makes me wish to find buried treasure and long summer nights when one plays hide and seek until midnight and of catching fireflies, though I'm not sure why I think of fireflies. Maybe its the part about the golden specks flying? Anyways, when my brothers and I were little, we wanted to be pirates (it isn't any fun to be a pirate by yourself). Mom said no, that pirates stole things and killed people. We persisted, and soon she said we could play pirates out on our swing set, but we had to be 'Christian Pirates'. I don't really know what makes a Christian pirate christian, but we did lots of arr-ing and had swashbuckling adventures into the woods and captured all the other kids on our street. We even had a pirate flag on our swing set, it was smiling. I think it intimidated the other kids. I don't know, but I do know its fun to be a pirate, even if you have to be a Christian pirate, and to this day, when my brothers and I go to Long John Silvers, we always get the paper pirate hats and wear them about town, 'cause we're proud of our Christian heritage.

Hooray! It's nice to have you back doing some writing (of your own).
I think the story about the Christian pirates is very funny. And I have to say you are probably the cutest pirate I've ever seen.
We never played pirates very much when we were little; we always played space or jungle safari (in the jungle safari we were always veterinarians sneaking up on animals and catching them and giving them shots to heal them/prevent them from getting various diseases. Much more politically correct than pirating.
Oh, nice fanny-pack, by the way.
How come you don't seem to where it anymore?
[smilely face]
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