Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pre Raphaelite Wisdom (A Peace Offering)

Here it is:
" A picture is a painted poem and those who deny it have simply no poetry in their nature."
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Mayhap a word from this wonderfully imaginative artist will appease those of my loyal-royal subjects that preparing for college has separated me from! I'm off to school Saturday to move in, but my first day will prove to be very trying indeed: A 3hour drawing class, and an hour of choir! Ah, blissful day! Art and Music!

My niece now can quote a large portion of Shakespeare's 116th Sonnet! I'm so proud of her, and trust me, she is proud of herself too! She quotes it to everyone she meets!( Since I'm speaking of Will, I've aquired a book of 'pocket sonnets', just lovely )


Why said...

Have fun "slaving" over that three hours of art.

Queen Mum said...

Ahhhh, the joy of art and poetry that has been in this home just because God smiled on me and gave me the Queen for awhile......I am humbled and grateful....yet, will lukolas and the sold out monkey carry on? We will see. May God bless you Queen. I love you.

And the kingdom says.....AMEN

Queen Mum said...

There is hope! Lukolas just finished reading "The Man Who Was Thursday".

Eucharisto said...


Queen Mum said...

Now....Soldoutmonkey has started reading it! YES!!!

Queen Mum said...

Penny: Not yet. We are trying to get him to do so. There is also a surge of pushing for him to start a photo blog. Come on soldoutmonkey, get with it!

Andrew Price said...

A photo blog would be ideal. That makes me think...

Queen Mum said...

You have an idea? Do tell, so we can get after soldoutmonkey to get with it.